احدث الاخبار

Sorry Mohammed!

Sorry Mohammed!
اخبار السعيدة - by - Aamer Mohammed Al-dbyani*         التاريخ : 24-09-2012

They don't know who are you.. Mohammed ( pbuh ) is the last prophet of Allah. He was born in Mecca, Arabia in 570 A.D. He used to be shepherd of sheep during his youth and he was 25 years old he worked for Khadija, a wealthy merchant widow. The noble characters of Mohammed ( pbuh ) attracted Khadija. She offered to marry him, which Mohammed ( pbuh ) accepted. Mohammed ( pbuh ) was 25 years old and Khadija was 40 years old at the time of their marriage.

Mohammed ( pbuh ) lived in Mecca until the age of 40, among polytheists who associated partners with Allah in worship. He rejected polytheism because he believed in the oneness of Allah. When Mohammed ( pbuh ) was 40 years old, the Angle Gabriel came to him while he was in the Hira, a cave in a mountain now called Jabal Al-Nur near Mecca, and said to him " read " Mohammed ( pbuh ) replied in fear " I can not read " . Then Angel Gabriel repeated this three times and Mohammed ( pbuh ) " I can not read ". Mohammed ( pbuh ) could not read because he was illiterate. Then the Angel Gabriel said, "read in the name of your Lord who created- created man from a clinging substance. Read and your Lord is the most Generous- Who taught by the pen.Taught man that which he know not." Then Mohammed ( pbuh ) started to repeated these words after Gabriel.

Mohammed ( pbuh ) started to call his close relatives to Islam. He called them to believes in Allah with no partner or son and to believe in revelation he received from Allah. He called the people of Mecca in secret then in public. Many people embraced Islam but they faced severe hardship from their relatives and the polytheists of Mecca who disbelieved in the message of Mohammed ( pbuh ).

The ProphetMohammed ( pbuh ) continue to call people to Islam in Mecca for 13 years. The disbelievers plotted to assassinate Prophet Mohammed ( pbuh ).

They appointed one strong man from each tribe of Mecca to go in-group and kill him at his home. While they were waiting for him in front of his home, Allah made them sleepily. Then Prophet Mohammed ( pbuh ) came out of his home and walked between them safely.
Then Prophet Mohammed ( pbuh ) immigrated to Medina where he was warmly welcomed. He established the Islamic State in Medina and made brotherhood between Al-Muhajreen, his followers from Mecca, and Al-Ansar ,his followers from Medina. Also he made a peace treaty with Jews around Medina. After the establishment of the Islamic state in Medina, the number of Muslims increased and caused infidels of Mecca to run a confrontation campaign against Muslims to stop the spread of Islam. Several battles between Muslims and infidels of Mecca and some Arabian. Muslims were the victorious in most of the battles. In the 8th year from the immigration to Medina Muslims achieved the biggest victory when they liberated Mecca and spread Islam all over Arabia.

Then the tribes of Arabia realized that Islam is the true religion of Allah because in addition to the true diving revelation they found in Islam all noble principles such as justice and forgiveness. Therefore, they embraced Islam and all Arabia became under the rule of Islamic State and the leadership of Prophet Mohammed ( pbuh )
In the 11th year of the immigration to Medina Prophet Mohammed ( pbuh ) died at the age of 63 years after 23 years from the start of his prophet hood. During his prophet hood , Mohammed ( pbuh ) was the school of life to learn all means of righteousness and happiness in this world and he was the light in the way leading to Paradise in hereafter.
Allah described him in the Quran "we have not sent you (Mohammed) except as a mercy to the world.

He was the head of state yet he could not find enough food and clothes. His home was made of mud and his mattress was made of leather stuffed with the fiber of dates palm trees. He used to help with the household work, mend his shoes, and milk goats.

He used to run the state during the day and stand praying during the night. His door was open for all Muslims and non-Muslims too. When he died, he lift nothing as inheritance for his family. In general, he used to hold the noblest character as the Quran states: " You are of a great moral character."

*The head of tourism supporters organization
E-mail : aamermohammed@hotmail.com
website : www.tourismsupporters.com

عدد القراءات : 2582
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